In my last post I told you I was asked to take the lead in revitalizing the garden at Haven Family House run by Shelter Network. I met with staff members last week to present my ideas to expand the garden. The staff has approved my plans and are very excited to have someone carry out their dreams for the Haven Garden.
Shelter Network will recruit volunteers throughout the year to help me put my plans into action as well as work with local businesses to donate materials.
The first time I saw the garden area I thought to myself, “This is my dream yard“. Sunny and lots of space! While walking through the yard I could see all kinds of little projects in my mind. Turning this wonderful space into a thriving vegetable and flower garden for the families to enjoy.
Below is a photo of the garden from Google Maps. I have labeled it so you can see all the projects we will be working on this year. Click on the photos for a larger view.

The photo below is the future home of Pumpkin Hill. We will be growing pumpkins for the kids to decorate this Fall.

Pumpkin Hill plan...

The plan below is the layout for the expanded vegetable garden. Zucchini and zucchini blooms are a favorite at the shelter. I was told the Zucchini took over one of the raised bed it was planted in last season, so this year I will give them a new home with lots of room. I have also planned an area for sugar snap peas, pole bean and cucumbers.

We are hoping a local Boy Scout Troop will help us build two A-Frame and two Teepee trellises for the peas and beans.

The photo below is of the raised beds. They need a little cleaning up.

The picnic area below will get a face lift. I'm hoping we can get some decomposed granite. This will make it easier to maintain.

Yesterday my son and his girlfriend helped me prune the fruit trees. Photo below is the trees before we pruned them.

They also marked off where the "Kids" flower boxes will go. This area will be for children ages 5 and under. There will be two 2'x5' raised beds right behind the sitting area.

Can't you just see two of these cute little boxes in that space.

I just need someone to donate the materials.
Home Depot
Earth Solutions 2 Ft. x 5 Ft. Raised Container Gardening
Model # RPB-2460 Internet/Catalog # 100671549

I will keep you posted on our progress.
In my next post I'll update you on my garden.