So sorry I have not been posting much the past month. Lots of stuff going on at home and I have not had time to post. But no worries everything is good!
Photo Below: August 01 Harvest
My first harvest of Bush tomatoes. They were very good.

Not pictured, I also harvested a handful of pole beans and two small watermelons. One about the size of a softball and the other the size of a baseball. They were starting to get soft and I didn't want them to rot. I cut into them after dinner, the larger of the two was ripe in the center and oh so sweet. The smaller one didn't ripen. Our summer has been too cool for watermelon. I have two more on the vine. We will see how they do.
Photo Below: Garden

Photo Below Bed 2: The corn did not do very well. Just not enough sun in this location. I will be able to harvest about 4 or 5 ears. You can also see the two watermelons. I hope they do better than the last two.

Photo Below: The cucumbers are still producing well. Lots of new growth this past week.

Photo Below: Bed 3 is doing very well. The peppers are starting to ripen. The pumpkins are ready to harvest and the basil is just just waiting to be made into pesto. I planted a few cilantro seeds and they are coming up.

Photo Below: I can't wait to make some home made pumpkin pies

Photo Below: The one and only canteloupe is putting on some size.

Photo Below: Yellow bell peppers.

Photos Below: Red baby bell peppers.

Photos Below: These will ripen to be orange bell peppers.

Photo Below: Bed 3

Photo Below: Bed 4 is looking a bit bare. I pulled the bush beans about three weeks ago and the onions last weekend. We had a little heat wave and the carrots I planted in July didn't make it. I'll have to reseed and give it another try.

Photo Below. I planted some more lettuce and are giving them some shade. We'll see how they do.

Photo Below: Spaghetti Squash

Photo Below: The second wave of spaghetti squash might just ripen before the end of summer. I still can't believe how many are growing on these two vines. The vines are still putting out flowers... males but still flowers. I have been cutting back the new growth to put the energy into the fruit so they will ripen before I lose the sun in this bed.

Photo Below: Onions are drying. I have used a few this week and they are so good.

Photos Below: The pumpkins on a stick will not disappoint. I have lots of little "pumpkins"

Photo Below: I'm starting to get my second harvest of raspberries. They should be ready to eat in about 3 to 4 weeks.

Photo Below: Strawberries in the container is putting out runners and a little fruit.

That's it for the garden update. I will try and post a little more often. I'm starting to think about my Fall and Winter garden. Not sure what I will grow with the little to no sun I will have in my garden.