I was hoping to harvest some corn today but it isn't ready. I have come to the conclusion that the corn is not getting enough sun.
As always ckick on the photos for larger view.
Photo Below: Today's harvest came in at 2 pounds putting my total harvest at 39 pounds.

Photo Below: I have not paid much attention to the small wonder spaghetti squash. Just waiting for the 9 of them to ripen. Well yesterday I saw this...

...and this...

I have eight more for a total of 17 on two plants! I don't know if they will all ripen before the Fall shade takes over. I will keep you posted.
Photo Below: I pulled out the snap peas and planted a handful of pole beans... or so I thought. I mixed up the seed packet and put in bush beans. When I realized what I had done I didn't want to dig out the seeds so I just planted some pole beans as well. They are all starting to come up and it only took three days for them to sprout and within a few days some of them are already 3 to 4 inches tall.

Photo Below: The carrots in bed 4 have already sprouted. Thanks Granny! Your tip worked really well for me.

Photo Below: I pulled the rest of the garlic out of bed 4. I'll leave them out in the sun for a week or more to dry. Now that I know I can grow garlic.. though they did not get very big this time. I will try again.

Next post... Pumpkins, peppers and pumpkin on a stick.