I was working in the garden today doing some much needed clean up when I went over to bed 3 to see how the brocolli was doing, when I came upon a leaf that was nothing more than a skeleton of it's former self. Knowing only one thing that could do this much damage I started my hunt...

Right there hiding in plain sight I found it...yes that would be a cabbage looper. As I kept searching I found a total of six on this plant and one more on another. I really should have sprayed BT earlier in the month when I came across the first looper.

As I was hunting loopers I also found gray aphids happily sucking the live out of my brocolli floret. Nothing a good sharp stream of water couldn't handle. I will need to check on the brocolli more often to keep these peats at bay.

On a more pleasant note the sugar snap peas gave me a nice little harvest today.

This English cucumber will be ready for picking in a few days. This will be my last one for the season.

The brussels sprouts in bed 1 are growing very slowly. But what can you expect when they are only getting one to two hours of sun. Yes sadly it is that time of year when I have little to no sun in the garden.

Photo below: Brussels sprouts

Photo below: Bed 2 at 1:30 this afternoon. This is the bed that gets the most sun this time of year.

Bed 2 at 3:00 this afternoon. I planted some lettuce and spinach in some of the empty squares.

Photo below: It's getting too cold for the basil so I pulled out what was left.

Photo below: The carrots in bed 3 get about two hours of filtered sun.

Photo below: Bed 3 all cleaned up and ready for spring.

Photo Below: Bed 4 gets no sun at all. I had planted lettuce and spinach but they are slow to grow.

I may get one or two small harvests out of bed 4.

Photo Below: Butterhead lettuce.

This weekend we will finish building the potato bins. I promise to post some photos when they are completed.