Sunday, November 1, 2009

It's Official...

Today I harvested the rest of the spaghetti squash, all 27.9 lbs of it.
I have now officially grown over 100 pounds of produce. 120 lbs and 7 oz's to be exact.


  1. What gorgeous squash! And YAY for breaking the 100 pound mark!!

  2. Good for you! That display of hanging squash is quite impressive, I must say. Especially since you didn't sling them. Did they not put a kink in the vine from the weight?

  3. Thanks Granny! :-)

    EG - Thanks. No kinks in the vines from what I could see. The vines seem to be nice and strong. I only had two squash drop off and that was after the vines died off.

  4. They look like happy halloween lanterns. Love 'em!

  5. Hi Jenn!
    Now they sitting in a basket outside, by my front door. They look so very nice.

  6. Yea...congrats! what is ready next and can I get a taste! :)
