Sorry it has taken me so long to update my blog.
The greenhouse is down and all the seedlings have been planted. I still have some lettuce, beans and basil seeds to plant out into the empty squares.
Garden Tour
The first four photos were taken from the roof. Click on photos for a lager view.

Photo below: Tomato bed.
Photo below: Bed 6.
Photo below: Banana. I really hope I get fruit this year
Photo below: Nectarine tree. This is the first year I am seeing a little bit of leaf curl. I have never sprayed this tree but will need to start at the end of this year.
Photo below: Raspberries. I need to get a bigger container.
Photo below: Cucumbers.
Photo below: Purple broccoli. I hope to harvest my broccoli before it gets to warm. I planted these last November. They over wintered very well.
Photo below: The bell peppers are growing better now that they are in the beds.
Photo below: Early potatoes.
Photo below: Potato bins 1 and 2 are looking really good.
Photos below: Strawberries.
Photo below: Sweet potato slips. If you remember a few weeks ago I pulled one of the slips off the potato to root it in some soil. I'm happy to say it rooted. In fact the roots are coming out of the bottom of the container. I will pull two more slips off the potato this weekend and plant them in small containers. I hope to plant them out into bed 5 some time in May when the weather warms up a bit more.
In my next post I will give you a look at each bed and what is planted in them.