I know you all have been dying to know what I'm growing this year in my small space. So grab your favorite beverage, sit back, relax and enjoy.
As I was going through the photos I took for this post and making a mental list of everything I have growing in the garden right now I could not believe how much I have crammed into a 30 by 28 foot space.
Photo below: Bed 1 also known as the tomato bed. The tomatoes are starting to flower but I have not seen any fruit yet.

I have six tomato plants in this space. Two each of the following...
Back - Heirloom Brandywine
Sides - Peacevine Cherry
Front - Ropreco Paste
Photo Below: Next to bed 1 under the lemon tree is early potatoes.

Photo below: Bed 2 has a mix of spring and summer crops.
Lettuce - Sea of red cutting lettuce, Red Sails and Sweetie Baby Romaine.
6 Spiking Purple Broccoli shown in photo above.

Cucumbers - 2 Persian Baby shown in photo above.
2 English cucumber.
2 Satsuki Madori Rare. I planted seeds in the bed about two weeks ago. Two are just now sprouting.
2 Sweet Maketmore. The seedling's are not growing very much but the weather has been on the cool side for us.

Also planted in bed 2 are onions, garlic, 2 cilantro, 6 green broccoli.
Photos Below: Bed 3 is planted with...
Red and Yellow Bell Peppers
Lettuce - Arugula, Heirloom Merveille de Quatre Saisons (head lettuce)
14 Sweet Basil.
Photo below: Carrots - French Baby (babette) and Crispy French (Bolero Nantes)
Photo below: Summer Squash - 1 Crookneck Sunny Supersett and 1 Zucchino Fiorention.
Photo below: Bush Beans - 8 Blue Lake, Bountiful Stringless Snap and 4 Rolande
French Filet
Photos below: Bed 4 is planted with...
12 Mini Bell Peppers
16 Red Onions
16 Pole Beans - Kentucky Wonder and Emerite.
Baby Spinach

Photo below: Bed 5 is new to the garden this year. I planted Royal Acorn Squash which I will try to trellis so I have room for a few sweet potato slips. To the right of the bed I have a small strawberry bed and to the left I have two potato bins one with mid season crop and the other with main season crop.

Photo below: Bed 6 is the smallest of all the beds at just 2'x3' 6 square feet. Planted with thyme, chives, lettuce and spinach.

I also have lots of stuff growing in pots around the patio as well.
Photo below: Ginger Root

Photo below: 2 Columnar Apple trees.

Photo Below: Day Avocado.

Photos below: Banana

Photo below: A new banana pup. This photo was taken a week ago. I was walking through the garden after work today and saw a second pup. Is this a sign that the mother stock will fruit this year? I hope so!

Photo below: Nectarine tree and Raspberry canes.

Photos below: A very busy bee on the raspberries

Photo Below: The Nectarine was not pollinated very well this year. With just a few fruit sets and leaf curl to boot.

Photos below: More strawberries.
Photos below: Herbs...





Garden View...
Photos below: A little wild life...
A pair of California Blue Jays have picked my morning glory to nest in this year...
I get a kick out of watching the male jay chase the squirrels out of the garden.
Photo below: Humming Bird.