Photo Below: Bed 1 the cherry tomatoes are getting so tall that I will need a step ladder to pick them off the top. The arch is about 7 feet tall and the vines are two to three feet above that.

Photo Below: Bush tomatoes... I can't wait until these are ripe.

Photo Below: View of beds 2 and 3

Photos Below: The watermelons in bed two are getting bigger. They are the size of a golf ball maybe even a little bigger.

Photos Below: The antique marigold and the cilantro in the right corner of bed 3 is shading the basil. I pulled the cilantro since it has bolted and moved the marigold.

There that's better....

Photo Below: Marigold moved to potato bed two since is was empty.

Photos Below: The basil is much happier....

...when it's not over 90 degrees. I had to cover them with shade cloth for a few days.

Photos Below: The bell peppers are really starting to take off now that the weather has warmed up.

I did, however pull the runt bell pepper. I'll be planting some lettuce in it's place.

Photo Below: Bed 2

Photos Below: In bed 4 I pulled out all the lettuce and reseeded with carrots...

...and used Granny's trick of covering them to keep from drying out.

Photos Below: The onions seem to be putting on some size.

Photos Below: The garlic has died back...

They are not very big... I'll wait to pull the second square to see if they get any bigger.

Photo Below: Bush beans ready to pick.

Photo Below: I pulled out the round zucchini. I wasn't getting much of a harvest from them for the space. I have reseeded the empty squares with lettuce. This area is a bit shaded from the bush beans.

Photos Below: I pulled out the potatoes in bed 1...

very low yield but very good.

Photo Below: The snap peas cannot decide if they want to die off or put out new growth. I'm just going to let them be and see what they do.

Photo Below: Strawberry bed is growing very well and is starting to put out runners.

Photos Below: The Pumpkin on a stick is doing very well and it looks like I will have mini pumpkins on a stick this Fall. I was not sure if this plant was going to be true to seed when I saved the seeds from an arrangement that was given to me last Fall.

Photos Below: Pumpkin on a Stick

Photo Below: View from my living room

Hope you enjoyed the photos.