The only thing I didn't check off my to do list was turning the compost. It was just too hot!
I started my morning by picking some butterhead lettuce. I pulled three heads. One for my mom and the rest for us. This harvest weighed in at one pound!
Photo Below: Butterhead lettuce.

After pulling the lettuce I watered everything really well. We are having a mini heat wave with our day time temps in the upper 80's to low 90's. Sunday reached 90 degrees.
After the watering, installing the sun shades was next. I wanted to get them up before we had full sun in the yard. What a big difference it made in the temperature under the shades versus being in the sun.
Once the sun shades were put up and sweet husband was putting away the ladder he noticed a wasp nest under the top step of the ladder. It's a good thing the wasp wasn't in the nest when he got the ladder!

Now that the shades are up it's time for the fun stuff... getting the patio furniture out!
Photo Below: This photo was taken from in front of the garage...

Photo Below: View from the compost bin...

Photo Below: Taken behind bed 2 next to the corn...

Photo Below: This photo was taken from in front the the kitchen door.

It feels really good to get the yard all done. I don't have much more planting to do for the summer crops. Now it's all about maintaining... mostly watering and harvesting. With sqaure foot gardening/raised beds there is very little to no weeding. Now if I can keep most of the pests at bay I'll be in good shape.
Garden tour up next....
Photo Below: Bed 1

Photos Below: Bed 2

Corn is looking really good so far.

I know I have too many watermelons in this bed... but lets see how it goes. The cucumbers are growing like crazy.

Photo Below: Watermelon Bloom

I have cucumbers growing on four of my six plants. Each plant has a minimum of three.

Photo Below: Potato and strawberry beds.

Photos Below: Bed 3 That would be basil in the containers. I hope to plant them in the next week or two.

My pathetic looking spinach.

Photos Below: Bed 4

Photo Below: leaf lettuce

Photo Below: Bush beans and carrots

Photo Below: Spaghetti squash and zucchini

Photo Below: Spinach

Photo Below: Honey bee on raspberries.

Photo below: White angels trumpet

Inside bloom of angels trumpet

And last but not least my favorite seat in the garden...